Speciality : cardiology - internal medicine
Key massage : The newest antiplatelet which guarantee highest efficacy and safety profile with fastest action in heart attack and stroke prevention.
Dose : 1-2 capsule twice daily.

Speciality: GIT, IM, GP,
Key massage: Dyspa-East is the Highest concentration of pancreatin in the market( 360mg pancreatin), with a unique manufacture technique of pellets inside capsule to ensure maximum absorption and maximum efficacy.
Dosage ; 1 capsule 3 times daily.

Western pharmaceutical industries
we have been able to reach the point where we can have our own drug factory.
Our Starting Point International Medical Guide
Liverin-Biogra-Evaculax-Digest eze-Propolis Lozenges-Vitamins For Your Hair-Nutrition For Your Hair
2nd Step
Bestra tech -Calmimix-Fattache'- Forte Seas- Meclodoxine- High Seas-Dermopharm.
The Most Powerful Step
Is Opening Our Factory "" Western Pharmaceutical Industries "" At Al Obour Industerial City.

Dr. Ahmed Khalil
Western pharmaceutical industries
Numerous travels around the world have given our chairman Dr. Ahmed Khalil the privilege to become familiar with different cultures of several markets and it is this experience that allows us to better handle international business negotiations.
Success is never an accident , it’s a result of best intensions , sincere effort , excellent direction through skillful people”

24 Hour
customers service
More than 20 years of experience in the Western Pharmaceutical industry. The name Western Pharmaceutical Industries represents quality, reliability, efficiency and operational excellence.
Partners creates strategies and solutions that enable you to strengthen your brand, motivate your distributors.